HAGAN Leslie
Posted: February 18th, 2015June 13, 1949 – January 27, 2015
Psalms 121 \” The Lord is your Keeper….
He shall preserve your soul\”
Leslie Dawn (Sleightholm) Hagan of Medicine Hat Alberta, passed away on Tuesday, January 27th, 2015 at the age of 65 and is finally at peace and at rest in the arms of her Savior, Jesus Christ. Leslie is survived by her mother, Shirley Sleightholm, her siblings, Bill Sleightholm, Gail Nikkel and Peggy McKitrick and their spouses and extended families. She was predeceased by her father, William J. Sleightholm in 1994. Leslie\’s memory was cherished at a Graveside Service celebrated at Medicine Hat Hillside Cemetery on Monday, February 9th, 2015. Our deepest appreciation to Loni and her family and Arnold for their friendship, love and care, shown to Leslie. Sincere thank you to Major Murray Jaster, from the Medicine Hat Salvation Army Church, for his kindness, his meaningful message, and the music he sang at the graveside service and for David and the staff at the Medicine Hat Cook Southland Funeral Chapel for their assistance and honoring service given to the family and friends of Leslie.
The Sleightholm Family
The Nikkel Family
The McKitrick Family
So sorry to read about the passing of Leslie.
I have been researching the Sleightholm family which lead me to this page.
I am a possible 5x cousin 1x removed from the UK.
I’ve been in contact with another descendant of the Sleightholm/Barker line in Portland, Oregon, USA.
Please feel free to e-mail me to discuss.
Best wishes, and God Bless.
So sorry to hear of Leslie’s passing. I live in Lethbridge. Leslie and I were great friends for years starting in Calgary. She was like an aunt to my kids. I treated her badly one evening and we never talked again and I could not get ahold of her because I was not a Facebook person. Anyway if her mom wanted to contact me my number is 403-330-9966
I’m so sorry to hear of Leslies passing. I live in Lethbridge. Leslie and I were great friends for years starting in Calgary. She was like an aunt to my kids She moved to Medicine Hat and we lost touch and I am so sorry that we did. If you could contact me, Shirley, I would love to talk to you. My number is 4 03- 330-9966